Why we take part
We wanted to do more for the local community, promote the work we do for conservation here at the Hall and also attract people from the area who regularly say they pass but have never visited. We hope that some of these visitors will feel inspired to visit again or come to some of our events.
What we do for HODs
The difference it makes
My role is diverse so HODs needed to fit in with my busy and eclectic schedule which it did well. The resources and support available from both HODs and the local council were invaluable particularly in terms of promoting the event. As with any event, it took many hours to organise but nothing which was too demanding on my time or detracting from my other tasks. It felt very simple to get people interested in coming by offering more than usual but nothing that took extensive time and attention to organise. I really liked the extra resources which were provided for us and helped us keep a consistent brand and theme on the day. This event was always meant to be a showcase of Lamport and the conservation work we do here to shout about the amazing achievements of the Preservation Trust for those living locally. I felt like we achieved this with the event and actually exceeded my expectations in terms of the amount of really engaged visitors we welcomed.
Best bit
The amount of visitors all enjoying the variety of activities we put on. People seemed genuinely to want to spend time here and were sitting in the gardens for some hours, engaging with all the exhibitors and having some great chats with our conservators. Everyone seemed to want to learn more about the book repairs, stained glass making, textile conservation, leathercraft and lace making – it was lovely to witness. Younger visitors were exploring the activities on offer too which is always nice to see as they’re the next generation of heritage visitors.
Inspired?! Find out more
- Lamport Hall & Gardens
- More case studies - Meet other local organisers
- Get involved - Taking part in Heritage Open Days
- Deadly Design - blog from Icon
- Introducing Icon - the expert care & repair shop